individual TUNING training
Books and courses are fine but there is nothing quite the same as individual learning in your environment. Your questions answered when you want.
One on one training can be tailored specifically to your current need, be that dealing with a Vehicle that is giving current grief, a desire to expand into new markets or to have a better understanding of the ECU operation, software operation to tune more efficiently with consistent results.
Training is available online Via Zoom from as little as 1 hour to half day and full day blocks. For those in the Melbourne Metropolitan area we can even come to you.
Tune supply
We can supply HP Tuners startup tunes, built to specification ready to touch up. Injector data, Flex Fuel, E85, Forced induction 2 Bar, 3Bar, re-scaling and torque correction. If you need help finalizing the tune we can aid in logging setups and final adjustment.
Diagnosis and troubleshooting
Leverage Joels 30 years experience modifying and tuning. A great many “Tuning” issues arise from mechanical issues, let us help to identify current and future problems that may arise when modifying for performance, dealing with a modified car or engine/management.
Race day optimization and Tuning
The dyno is a brillint tuning tool, but issues can be missed that cause massive failures at the track. For a day or half day we will come with you to a test and tune, check the data and dial in maximum attack. Optimize drive-ability improve lap times, eliminate flat-spots, improve start and cold start.